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l1vefrom215 t1_iyj14bc wrote

The NYPD will be their own downfall. My view of police took a nose dive after having experience with them. I once was just looking at the light bar of a cruiser (it was a novel one) and I had a cop stare me down and come knock on my window and ask “what my problem was” and then was told to “move along” while I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. I’ve also seen NYPD yell and threaten people who were 50 feet away filming an arrest.

Don’t get me started on all the police that park wherever they want. . . NYPD has no integrity.


CTDubs0001 t1_iyj4mnr wrote

Yup. Nobody likes a hypocrite. And you can’t demand respect, you have to earn it. They need to start by following the laws they are supposed to enforce instead of this ‘rules for thee, not for me’ attitude they’ve had in NYC for decades. It starts with the little stuff. Park legally. Wear a mask in the subways when you’re supposed to. Don’t double park for your donut. Follow the rules themselves and I think they’d see more New Yorkers giving them genuine respect, and real credibility along with it.


specialcommenter t1_iyk5m1y wrote

Similar happened to me. I was showing a friend how to spot an unmarked Ford Taurus. Pointing to the strobe in the grill, the “federal” steel wheels and then pretty much what you said happened.