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bullymeahhh t1_j2fljh0 wrote

  1. He's half black
  2. 9/11 killed his mom (but then tweeted in December 2021 she died 5 years earlier)
  3. Grandparents survived Nazi persecution
  4. Working for Goldman Sachs and Citi
  5. Graduated from Baruch

There are definitely others, but those are the ones I've seen.


RecommendationOld525 t1_j2fpqj0 wrote

He also said he had to drop out of Horace Mann HS due to family financial trouble (Horace Mann said they had no record he ever attended).

Edited to add: Oh and that his mom is a European immigrant from Belgium!


Infinite_Carpenter t1_j2fmjdh wrote

He definitely said he was jewish. He hasn't discussed how he avoided criminal prosecution in Brazil. He was married to a woman until 2020, details still MIA.


bullymeahhh t1_j2fms9z wrote

Forgot those. I don't doubt that he's gay though. Many gay men are married to women and then come out of the closet. He's also a republican, so lying and saying he's gay could only hurt him really.