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CactusBoyScout OP t1_izfgtm0 wrote

> He noted that the creation of new housing has lagged far behind population growth.

> “There is nowhere for people to go,” he said. “It’s not complicated. We have more people than homes.”

TL;DR the proposal would basically remove a lot of roadblocks for smaller residential developments like exempting them from environmental impact requirements. It would also bring more of the process under one roof… the DOB would take over some fire safety stuff from FDNY.

I just want to know about parking minimums. Those have got to go. More and more cities (all with worse transit than NY) are eliminating them entirely. But we still have minimums everywhere except Lower Manhattan.


notmyclementine t1_izg5xcx wrote

Eliminating parking minimums in zoning is indeed included in his plans. This proposal is overall great news.


CactusBoyScout OP t1_izg5zfn wrote

I thought I read elsewhere that he was just proposing to reduce parking minimums?


notmyclementine t1_izg69ax wrote

I think it’s still up in the air, tbd. If it’s “reduced” to say 1 space per building for example, it’s effectively eliminated.


CactusBoyScout OP t1_izg98kd wrote

Many cities in Europe have the opposite system… parking maximums. And the few spots that are allowed typically have to be reserved for people with mobility issues.


honest86 t1_izg9mxf wrote

It has something about parking shortfalls no longer being an environmental issue


CactusBoyScout OP t1_izg9v98 wrote

Amazing. The idea that anything with “environmental” in the name could be used to mandate parking for cars is the height of irony.


yuriydee t1_izgli56 wrote

Honestly overall that sounds pretty good. We need housing asap and things like environmental reviews are really not that important right now especially for smaller housing.