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[deleted] t1_j1af6sf wrote


IRequirePants t1_j1agcm7 wrote

On the one hand, it isn't the Democrats' fault that Santos is a lying piece of shit. On the other-hand, the fact that the state party couldn't find this blatant shit is political malpractice. Were they even trying to win?


[deleted] t1_j1aiyjs wrote



IRequirePants t1_j1anwnb wrote

Democrats aren't responsible for Santos. But they are responsible for Zimmerman. Investigating your opponent for oppo-research is super basic in elections. State party needs to figure out where they fucked up.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1aorey wrote

Zimmerman brought it up during the campaign.


IRequirePants t1_j1ap5qt wrote

The divorce as oppo-research only really works in the context of everything else being a lie. Gay men have been married to women before. If Zimmerman brought up the other lies, do you have a link? Because this week or so is really the first I am hearing of Santos lying about a charity, about where he worked, and about his Jewish ancestry.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1aqhql wrote

Yeah no shit, because this is the first time the media actually picked up the story.


IRequirePants t1_j1aui4y wrote

From the article:

>The document does, however, list Santos’s educational and professional claims without question. The bulk of the 87-page research document leans into Santos’s ties to Trump and his antiabortion stance.

DCCC oppo-research focused on Trump ties and the fake charity, instead of deep-diving his background.

You claim that the media didn't cover it, but the DCCC research didn't cover it either. Which is entirely the point.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1b11sg wrote

I never said the DCCC covered it, I said his opponent covered it, but the media ignored it.


IRequirePants t1_j1b2wit wrote

> I never said the DCCC covered it, I said his opponent covered i

You haven't shown that though... The only oppo-report is DCCC's, unless you have another?


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1bbpm5 wrote

As I said before, it’s hard to prove that, because the Zimmerman campaigns complaints were ignored in favor of more crime reporting which played into Santos’ hands.

What oppo there was was covered by small independent news stations


IRequirePants t1_j1bdrqq wrote

>As I said before, it’s hard to prove that, because the Zimmerman campaigns complaints were ignored in favor of more crime reporting which played into Santos’ hands.

This is bullshit and you know it. Campaigns have press releases or statements on their website. This stuff is independent of press coverage.

The oppo presented was about Santos's wealth (which they presented as sketchy but without real evidence of wrongdoing ) and phony charity. Nothing about lying about his ancestry, his employment, or his education.

DCCC and Zimmerman focused more on his anti-abortion views and connection with Trump.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1bete0 wrote

> The oppo presented was about Santos's wealth (which they presented as sketchy but without real evidence of wrongdoing ) and phony charity.

But it follows the pattern that he’s exaggerated every part of his life and image.

If the media had done its job, it would have followed up on that by pulling on the thread.

> DCCC and Zimmerman focused more on his anti-abortion views and connection with Trump.

To quote a stupid man, that’s bulls hit and you know it.


[deleted] t1_j1apdjp wrote



IRequirePants t1_j1apobm wrote

>The state republican party needs to deal with its dishonesty and corruption problem. Surely that's the state party you're referring to.

The state Republican party is a burning trash fire and has been for at least a decade. Losing to a burning trash fire should spark introspection.

>Zimmerman pointed out during the campaign that Santos was sketchy.

Do you have a link for Zimmerman calling out specific lies?


NetQuarterLatte t1_j1ax2vj wrote

>Investigating your opponent for oppo-research is super basic in elections.

They did.

But the media was too busy trying to push their talking points on crimes, and didn't take the stories.


archiotterpup t1_j1bhts5 wrote

LOL. I think it's funny you think Republicans have the principles to take responsibility for their own party. Party politics are scourge.


archiotterpup t1_j1bhoy7 wrote

The NY Dems seriously dropped the ball and handed the GOP control of the House. The entire party needs an overhaul. I'm so mad that we have closed primaries, otherwise I'd change my voter registration to WFP. At least WFP usually has the same slate so they can capture some of the vote.


[deleted] t1_j1bhtwn wrote



archiotterpup t1_j1bhxrx wrote

And he won because the Dems dropped the ball. This would be an issue if the NYSDP didn't suck ass so hard.


[deleted] t1_j1bi89t wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1bj44e wrote

This fraud that wasn’t exposed until this past week? Because of piss poor opposition research?


[deleted] t1_j1blj4g wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1blp24 wrote

…and what did Democrats do with this information?


[deleted] t1_j1bltey wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1bnqrd wrote

Groundbreaking we stopped there. Missing, you know, the dozens of allegations that followed. The fact you find this response and research adequate is depressing.


archiotterpup t1_j1cccjm wrote

Long Island is suburbanite hell. Of course they voted for a lying Republican.


supremeMilo t1_j1avzm4 wrote

Democrats suck at messaging, what wasn’t Zeldins face plastered over a chart with red state murder rates!


[deleted] t1_j1awcd7 wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1awktn wrote

Because Zeldin’s campaign and popularity helped carry multiple House seats for R.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1e9jhu wrote

Republicans had an advantage in midterms like they always do when a President is Democratic and the economy is bad. It has nothing to do with Zeldin himself. Republicans did not gain as much as they were projected and it is seen as a failure of the party for that. Here you are celebrating victory and making up a reason why a Republican should be praised for it. Do you people ever stop living in your fantasy world you force all others to live in?


supremeMilo t1_j1e9wv2 wrote

Hochul severely underperformed Schumer, and it probably cost the Democrats the house. Zeldin ran a great campaign; even if crime in NYC and NYS is lower than red states, if you let republicans control the narrative on it you will lose/lose seats.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1glrd2 wrote

The party in charge at midterms always underprerforms. That is how politics in America works and the Democrats did much better than all projections said and past midterms. You are making up reasons for why a party did well based on your feelings when historical facts show otherwise. Another useless troll barking at his shadow and wasting my time.


supremeMilo t1_j1gm06z wrote

New York State Dems got absolutely smoked and have nobody to blame but themselves. Hochul ran a terrible campaign, and let Republicans control the narrative on crime even though NYS and NYC are safer than most Republican states.

If NYS Dems hadn’t lost their congress seats, Dems could have carried the house.

But okay, don’t hold Hochul and the state house accountable for fucking up the maps and their campaigns and enjoy Republican rule.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1gmsri wrote

26 state senate races... 4 flips. Absolutely smoked? Make up facts on your own time not wasting mine.


supremeMilo t1_j1gmzfn wrote

Democrats would have held the US House of Representatives if Sean Patrick Maloney and the others didn’t run such shit campaigns. Zeldin controlled the messaging on crime and the house races followed.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1gojgn wrote

Broken record keeps making up what he feels is right. Democrats ran shitty campaigns but did far better than projections and holding the House was going to be impossible. Now I'm going to ignore you. Be gone troll.


supremeMilo t1_j1gom90 wrote

You are talking about national democrats who did great I am talking about NYS Democrats who are an embarrassment.

$800,000,000 for Buffalo stadium, conservative chief Justice nomination… wake the fuck up.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1gpb9a wrote

me: shows the ratio of GOP flipped as extremely low, 4 in 26 New York races

you: ah HA you are talking about national Democrats!!11

Truly a political science genius not an embarrassing little child cosplaying as a genius


supremeMilo t1_j1gpg5f wrote

4 out of 26 is terrible in a state where the D senator won by 13.2 points.


[deleted] t1_j1awru3 wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1ax66t wrote

Zeldin swung voters to R for all positions, not just Gov.

If Hochul won as hard as Schumer, Dems probably would have carried 3-5 more house seats.


[deleted] t1_j1axbss wrote



ineededanameagain t1_j1bahy5 wrote

Come on dude, I’m about as mainstream liberal as they come. Yes Dems over performed this cycle, but if NY Dems did their job Dems probably hold the house. Zeldin made the race closer, enough to carry Rs down ballot, than it should have been cause Hochul was absent.


[deleted] t1_j1bbui8 wrote



ineededanameagain t1_j1bcbdy wrote

They won in districts Biden won comfortably in 2020, ofc Zeldin had enough of an appeal to peal off independents and moderate/conservatives Dems to vote for Rs in those districts.


supremeMilo t1_j1axgax wrote

It’s hyper relevant and dolts like you are the reason Democrats will continue losing elections. Hope you enjoy a permanent R scotus.


[deleted] t1_j1axnwz wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1axv1t wrote

And they lost the house specifically because of NYS democrat incompetence.


[deleted] t1_j1aydiv wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1ayquq wrote

That’s a triple down. Not a walk back. Dems fight for better maps, and or Hochul puts up a decent campaign, against Zeldin then we aren’t having this convo because this jackass loses.


[deleted] t1_j1azsj7 wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b049a wrote

NYS Dems lost seats that’s an L. The rest of the country did great.

If you are representative of NYS Dems then the problems are obvious.


[deleted] t1_j1b0p62 wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b13m7 wrote

It’s democrats fault, they lost to him.

Are you so naïve you think republicans gaf who they elect as long as they are a warm body and vote with McCarthy?


[deleted] t1_j1b1ndu wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b1wut wrote

People like you are why the Democrat party sucks.


[deleted] t1_j1b297p wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b2ica wrote

You clearly do or you would not have posted.

> The narrative that this is democrats fault is really something else.


[deleted] t1_j1b2osd wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b2vm3 wrote

Sure thing, enjoy house Republican leadership and keep standing for democrat failures.


[deleted] t1_j1b38h2 wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b3f3h wrote

We thought they imploded when they nominated trump and then they banned abortion in half the states. Typical dem L snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, just like this case in Long Island.


[deleted] t1_j1b3oxq wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b3x5d wrote

I’m a liberal that actually cares about results instead of stanning for democrat party failures.


[deleted] t1_j1b40cj wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b44ui wrote

You are no different from MAGAots who treat politics like a team sport.


[deleted] t1_j1b49wa wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b4ego wrote

I know, that’s how democrats could snatch the L from Santos.


[deleted] t1_j1b5bqk wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b5j3x wrote

Am I repeating the same point, or walking it back? Make up your mind. And right winger lmao? I want the Democrats to succeed, which involves ditching whiny losers like you.


[deleted] t1_j1b5mda wrote



supremeMilo t1_j1b5sgn wrote

We need to court sane people; not the ones dragging down the whole country with their state failures.


mission17 OP t1_j1b2djm wrote

Definitely not in New York state, which very well may have cost the Democrats the house. This fact has been well established.


[deleted] t1_j1b2qs0 wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1b2y71 wrote

The connection is pretty obvious, considering we’re talking about a candidate for NY governor and his impact on the US House’s composition.


[deleted] t1_j1b3cl2 wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1b4yhn wrote

I fail to see how criticizing the Democratic Party for not campaigning better in New York State constitutes right-wing rage.


[deleted] t1_j1b5e4d wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1b5z3r wrote

People on the left are clearly allowed to criticize the Democratic Party without being right wing. Especially when they’re criticizing Democrats not taking measures to perform better. Why should the Democratic Party be immune from that criticism?


[deleted] t1_j1b7cgk wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1b80fn wrote

> Zeldin swung voters to R for all positions, not just Gov. If Hochul won as hard as Schumer, Dems probably would have carried 3-5 more house seats.

That’s exactly what is being discussed here. From this very thread. NY Democrats underperforming relative to Democrats nationally and costing Democrats the U.S. House in the process. Maybe you thought you were talking about something else, but regardless, your characterization of the other user is totally unjustified.


[deleted] t1_j1baekg wrote



mission17 OP t1_j1bay55 wrote

You really got so caught up in the words you found mean that missed their point entirely. Congratulations.


isweatprofusely t1_j1akktc wrote

It's not about changing the narrative. We just haven't been sending our best to contest the seat nor have we done our due diligence and they got away with it. The entire midterm election for nys democrats has been a disappointment, it's a travesty that an incumbent governor came that close to losing to a zealot like zeldin. With this guy...grifters gonna grift.


[deleted] t1_j1al4es wrote



isweatprofusely t1_j1alqio wrote

You can blame the Republicans all you want, the only thing we can do is reflect and figure out how we could have done better. The fact is that we didn't give them a run for their money nor did we do our due diligence. These are the candidates GOP are presenting and we can't even muster up a viable campaign.


[deleted] t1_j1alz0t wrote



isweatprofusely t1_j1amw4y wrote

Piss on the gop all you want, it's not going to change anything on their end. What you can control is the type of candidates we support and campaign/vetting the opposition.