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t1_izo1nxu wrote

In case anyone is wondering, the $20 million dollars they're cutting is less than .2% of the NYPD's 10.8 BILLION dollar budget. At least when all those kids can't go to the library after school they can be rounded up and jailed efficiently.


t1_izogvyk wrote

It's OK - we kept that NYPD budget intact so that we could have an increase in crime, and proponents could just argue 'we need more cops'.

Makes sense, if you're a cop looking for OT. Everyone else? Not so much.


t1_izomw3w wrote

I've been wondering about this. My Citizen App scans all the police and fire traffic. The number of times in 24 hours the police are actually called is really a handful of times.

Like almost never. Try it yourself. One homeless guy the other day, He was really doing nothing. 2 ambulances, at least 3 NYPD patrol cars, on the scene. It was the UES, but seemed way overboard.

And then everyone just walked away. He just stayed there, seemed amazed by all the attention. Guess it's what we're paying for.


t1_izqu4yd wrote

> My Citizen App scans all the police and fire traffic.

No it doesn't. There are roughly over 3000 911 calls a day. Even excluding all the purely medical calls, do you think every single one is on Citizen?


t1_izo3eke wrote

0.05% of the DOE’s $38 billion budget.


t1_izo45s0 wrote

Cutting schools to save libraries feels like trying to put out a fire by starting another fire in a different place. But yes, libraries are a very small part of the budget.


t1_izocuau wrote

It wouldn't be cutting schools it would be finally doing something about the DOE's massive administrative bloat.


t1_izokxf6 wrote

I fear the administrative bloat would remain and critical functions of the DOE would suffer


t1_izol4ms wrote

It would absolutely be cutting schools because they're never gonna take money from the administrators and do-nothings when they have the opportunity to take money from the kids and teachers.


t1_izp0mps wrote

This will never happen, any budget cuts will just get passed immediately to classroom.


t1_izo6vel wrote

Police aren’t even that massive a part of the city budget compared with other cities.


t1_izoo7cn wrote

I bet the DOE has way more employees, buildings, and equipment and infrastructure than the NYPD. They also don’t kill people.


t1_izoqm4b wrote

Of course, the DOE is an endless sprawl. That’s partly why it’s so expensive, despite the fact that fewer people use it each year.

DOE employees don’t kill people because their job isn’t public safety. Happily, NYPD almost never kills an unarmed person.


t1_izorc7t wrote

Nypd kills a lot of their own too. Do teachers do that a lot?


t1_izoryec wrote



t1_izos24q wrote

Nypd friendly fire is responsible for a significant number of line of duty deaths.


t1_izosyy4 wrote

I would think that would make you happy.


t1_izot5w0 wrote

As much as I dislike the NYPD I don’t want them to be killed and I don’t celebrate their death.


t1_izot8bs wrote

You’re deeply concerned about their safety, I see.


t1_izotmp9 wrote

I see you’re not interested in having an actual discussion.


t1_izottlf wrote

You are? About what? This is a thread about library funding.


t1_izou8yg wrote

And you brought up the DOE?


t1_izoudew wrote

Yeah, to contextualize the size of the NYPD budget, which someone else brought up. So what is it you want to discuss?


t1_izovd4l wrote

Right, the NYPD budget is way higher than it should be.


t1_izow7h9 wrote

Maybe you’re right, maybe not. I haven’t studied it closely. But the DOE’s budget is definitely higher than it should be.

Great discussion!


t1_izowbj3 wrote

Maybe next time you talk to someone don’t imply that they’re happy about people dying.

I bet there’s a lot you haven’t studied closely.


t1_izoxz8l wrote

Is this part of our “actual discussion”?


t1_izoy1p9 wrote

Nope. Just an addendum.


t1_izoz426 wrote

Feels like you never wanted an actual discussion.


t1_izoz8bc wrote

You suggested that I took joy in people dying. You’re the one that ended the discussion with that bullshit.


t1_izozvv7 wrote

What were we discussing?

Also, sorry, I had no idea that would upset you so much.


t1_izozxkw wrote

You can read. Go look it up.


t1_izp0896 wrote

You were making comments about how NYPD killed people and teachers don’t. Not a substantive discussion in my book. More like dropping juvenile comments. And then I upset you.


t1_izp0efa wrote

Ah so you can read. Just make your points instead of dragging it out to try and be more of a dick.

My point was that for all the money we spend on police here they end up causing a ton of harm. Perhaps money is wasted on the DOE but they aren’t tearing families apart or beating people or killing them.


t1_izp0se0 wrote

Policing by definition is going to involve what you would call “harm.” It involves forcing people to do things they don’t want to do, including a lot of violent people. It involves guns and knives. This explains why NYPD shoots more people than teachers do. I can’t believe I actually needed to point that distinction out.


t1_izp0zky wrote

If you’re not a cop you should sign up. You’ll fit right in.


t1_izp133p wrote

Is that part of the actual discussion that you value so highly?


t1_izp1dq6 wrote

As I said before, it was over when you tried to say I enjoyed people being killed. This is just me being an asshole in kind.


t1_izp1l6k wrote

There’s zero difference between you now and back when you badly wanted an actual discussion. Apart from such brilliant observations as “police kill people and teachers don’t,” you have nothing to say.


t1_izp1ogf wrote

You have the deductive skills of a cop too. You’ll totally fit in.


t1_izp1sa7 wrote

Maybe I’m wrong. I’m sure if I browse your comment history I’ll see a bunch of examples of you making interesting and nuanced points.


t1_izp1vo1 wrote

I know I won’t find anything substantive in your comments.


t1_izp27yq wrote

Lol, you’re one of the people who thinks it’s evidence-based to say that policing is incapable of reducing crime. Seriously, you have nothing to say except zingers about how you hate cops.


t1_izp2ftg wrote

Police aren’t the solution to crime. It’s pretty stupid to think that.


t1_izp2ksw wrote

There is no “solution” to crime. It’s even dumber to think that. Crime can be managed. It will never be eradicated.


t1_izp0qon wrote

Hey remember when a mass shooter tried to turn himself in and the NYPD “couldn’t find him” when he told them where he was? Way to go NYPD!


t1_izp0uud wrote

Good point, the police should be disbanded.


t1_izp1290 wrote

Shit, when you’re right you’re right.


t1_izp1dq0 wrote

Half the time when I make a comment like that I get the response “nowhere did I say that.” The other half the time I get a response like yours.


t1_izou2xn wrote

Ok? So your proposal is to take money from schools to give to libraries, when the police have a ridiculously bloated budget and stomp their feet when we ask for accountability? Lol. Bootlickers are something else.


t1_izp2w6a wrote

Cry about it


t1_izp3294 wrote

Nah, there’s no point. It just grows year after year. Once in a while there’s a tiny cut and people act like it’s a war crime, and then the bloat resumes its skyward trend.


t1_izoo0cx wrote

We spent $28k per students with piss poor outcome. That a private school tuition in many places.


t1_izp10fo wrote

Education is expensive.


t1_izpddr7 wrote

Other states spend a lot less with better outcome. The solution isn’t that throw more money into a failing machine.


t1_izpu3dz wrote

Not really, and it’s not a “failing” machine. But you can go ahead and explain how cutting the budget to an already strapped institution is actually a good thing.


t1_izpyfh5 wrote

Lol of course you work for the city


t1_izpzob2 wrote

Lol okay I don’t know what position you think you’re in to talk down to anyone Lyft driver. Didn’t answer any of my questions though.


t1_izr0ipq wrote

Why do you think I’m a Lyft driver? Because I’m not. It’s easy to find out just by reading my other post right next to it.

As a whole country, our PISA score sucks compared to other OECD countries despite spending multiple times more. And NYC DOE per head budget is almost double the national average while performing in line with the average


t1_izr7raa wrote

The DOE also deals with incredibly unique issues like space and literal tones of thousands of homeless children but go off.