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glemnar t1_j0hcnie wrote

Let’s not pretend that those geese/ducks are treated worse than the chickens, cows, and pigs on our plates


Lost_sidhe t1_j0hdide wrote

Exactly. Battery house chickens are some of the most horribly treated meat animals in our country. People just seem to care less about chickens than any other factory farm nightmare - I don't know why.

Edit: probably chicken nuggets is why. :-/


freeradicalx t1_j0ihdib wrote

Everybody should pay a visit to a battery house at some point in their lives, without it being dressed up by the farmer ahead of time to not look how it normally does.

But we can't, because their industry literally lobbies to get laws passed that makes investigating them illegal. They have nothing to hide, and no you can't see it.


Lost_sidhe t1_j0iii3d wrote

If more people really cared to look under the plastic wrappers at where their food came from, it would be quite telling on how much their personal food choices would change, or how much pressure could/might be put on regulations and producers. I am not overly optimistic that the average person would care, even looking it plain in the face. Afterall, none of this is a secret, most people are just making an active decision NOT to look behind the curtain.


koreamax t1_j0iknx4 wrote

I don't understand why this is so much more controversial than veal