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sassbayc t1_j29qc5m wrote

that's literally a different way to say the same thing.

key quote: "children learn to see beyond the pink and blue gender binary"

thats indoctrination.


brighttobrighter t1_j29qict wrote

I don't think you're going to find that your definition of indoctrination matches up with the majority of people's definition. Anyway, I think we've gotten as far as we'll get in this conversation and I'd like to go enjoy the nice weather. Take care!


sassbayc t1_j29r62d wrote literally suggested that the drag queens reading were only a thing because it's light and fun when the non-profit's own website directly says their mission is to "teach" kids to question gender norms.


lilitalybabe t1_j2a0gz5 wrote

Exposing children to the fact that there are more than two genders and teaching them that those people exist and should be treated with respect is not indoctrination.


brighttobrighter t1_j29rfs2 wrote

You're being silly. I compared it to Bill Nye teaching kids about science in one of my first posts. But I really am out of time to debate this for the day, so I hope you find somebody else to butt heads with. :)


sassbayc t1_j29s295 wrote

Bill Nye only wants to teach kids about science. They don't have some ulterior motive of indoctrinating kids that's unrelated to whatever story they might be reading.


Spittinglama t1_j2a5fni wrote

Yeah and religious Sunday schools are also indoctrination by that definition. It's a matter of what you're indoctrinating kids into. Acceptance? Not feeling pressured into gender binary because that's what society pushes at large? Wonderful! Indoctrinating kids into existential guilt because they might have less conventional attractions? Awful.


Menacing_Quokka t1_j2aeuaa wrote

But if I call it indoctrination it sounds scary and nefarious. And not just...raising a kid.


hecramsey t1_j2el1xi wrote

no it isnt ,and you are wrong about the facts presented. when I was taught to drive I wasn't indoctrinated I was educated.