
seejordan3 t1_j0qbzd5 wrote

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I used caustic because everything at The Post is caustic (and will never read it, so yes, you "caught me"). And all those news outlets are NOT on my daily reading list. Check out Democracy Now. NY1 is pretty good too. NY1 chose not to cover this, nor did Democracy Now.

The Post uses these "news" (not news) stories to appear like a "news" outlet. Something happens that furthers their agenda, and they'll put it in (divisive fear mongering tabloid peppered with some reporting). I know reporters there, and have been quoted in articles at The Post.

I'll always call out the toxic news. The Post is just the best at it. Back to the world cup


seejordan3 t1_j0q3tbz wrote

Its about the where and why its being reported. Its not about this woman who was murdered, its a hammer on a wedge, that creates anxiety, anger, hatred, and fear. The Post is USING this woman to sell crap. And that to me is despicable. Compare the tone of the Post to CBS's report for instance. Notice the caustic tone over at The Post?


seejordan3 t1_iwuwvb0 wrote

Oh, Benzos work, really really well. What they do, and I'm no neurologist.. is they are a crutch for your gabba factories in your brain. They flood your brain with gabba, artificially. That causes your brain to say, ".. we are good on gabba, don't need more, shut down those gabba factories". And those factories then stop working. But, you taper out pretty quickly, and need more to have the same baseline effect. So yea, they work! But only for awhile. Then you realize shit, I can't go off this or I'll die (literally, you can't just stop this drug, you have to do a many months' taper, and cross your fingers). So what's the appropriate length of time to be on them, what's the risk. Considering 20% after 2 months go into long term, I would argue its VERY VERY rarely useful. Our minds generate anxiety for a reason, to tell us to change what we're doing. Yes, it can produce so much, or so little gabba, that a person can be stuck in a hole. But, that's not time for a drug, but time to make changes in your life FIRST. Benzos will simly delay your suffering to a time when you are hopefully more capable of dealing with life stuff.

Ok now to the other end of the spectrum. Benzo deaths. About once a year we hear of someone we know dealing with depression and anxiety who was on benzos as well as SSRI's and other drugs. I realize SSRI's also have about 20% prolonged withdraw.. But its never as bad a withdraw as benzos are. So when people have a cocktail, we so often the chalk it up to "drugs", and often opiods.. but rarely do we look at the worst culprit in that cocktail: benzos.

Thanks for listening. A friend lost his brother a few months ago to suicide after being tapered out for years on benzos. People need to wake up to the danger of this drug. We simply don't understand if something works for a few months (REALLY well) that it will be very tough for people to stop taking it.


seejordan3 t1_iwi0zw4 wrote

Its called informed consent, and most doctors fail to give it before you take a drug. I can't tell you how many people we know that were given a 'scrip for it and not told the risks, only to find it works so great for anxiety, and now TA-DA, they're hooked and its the worst addiction ever. Like, 1000x worse than heroin withdraw. We've been in the ER for seizures too many times. Watching your partner turn blue during a seizure and being able to do nothing is one of the worst things I'll ever experience. Here's some reading on informed consent from the Mayo Clinic..


seejordan3 t1_iwhysd4 wrote

That's great, be careful as you are. And keep an eye on them, they have a street value and are regularly abused and sold, esp. by kids.

I keep opiods around for the very rare kidney stone because that's the worst pain ever.