Topher1999 t1_j5ymc2b wrote
6 months from now, we will all be outraged about a poverty-stricken mother or father with their faces beat in because they stole bread. Watch.
kasaan110 t1_j5yn45y wrote
Dude this ain’t a movie lol
Topher1999 t1_j5yoc2l wrote
Yeah but it happened with the guy who was trying to use the emergency exit on the subway. I don’t trust Adams.
newestindustry t1_j5yp4ud wrote
Oh cool, a New York Post article about the New York Post mayor responding to another New York Post article. Not only is this important and relevant, but it will surely generate productive conversation.
[deleted] OP t1_j5ywnox wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j5yzlgo wrote
Shreddersaurusrex t1_j5yzr1m wrote
Loll “Nothing 2 Bragg about” 🤣
BiblioPhil t1_j5z0det wrote
Oh no, anything but woke and BLM. New Yorkers hate both of those things so much.
Ok_Application_962 t1_j5z0gjh wrote
Yea wise to protect property from perps running wild due to a woke society that does nothing but release them in min after arrest .
virtual_adam t1_j5z6owe wrote
Hey genius, the Bronx DA is Darcel Clark
BroadwayJose t1_j5zbfno wrote
Thanks, Einstein. Fuck him too.
BroadwayJose t1_j5zbl6i wrote
I'm sure there's a lost tape of him freestylin' back in the day. Lol!
oy_says_ake t1_j5zc2ph wrote
Maybe if you had any clue how our government or criminal justice system operate, you’d know that we have different district attorneys for each county and bragg is not the bronx da.
The actual bronx da, darcel clark, has spent her entire career as a prosecutor and judge, so she’s not regarded as “woke” by anybody.
As usual, folks with the kind of trash opinions you (struggle to) articulate here show themselves to be out of touch with reality.
[deleted] OP t1_j5zcflr wrote
oy_says_ake t1_j5zgy6l wrote
“i’m just here to talk shit.”
Yeah it’s pretty obvious. You don’t have to have any kind of degree to bother knowing something about your own city before you shoot your mouth off.
And using “grandma” as a put-down? you just keep showing your whole ass to the internet, go on now.
CBR929_Guy t1_j5zl9s9 wrote
Seems like the lack of security for the business owners is creating a need. This is one of the old Mafia businesses. I am sure we will see another group rise to fill the need.
mowotlarx t1_j5zqv1y wrote
Most people who write comments like that didn't know what a DA was before Tucker Carlson started talking about Alvin Bragg. They certainly don't know each borough has one.
SolitaryMarmot t1_j5zt594 wrote
They'll never go after the fences that are making the real money because they donate too much to campaigns.
Elevate247 t1_j601nxu wrote
The joke of NYC politics continues . All of our tax dollars going to waste by the second with DA’s & inept policies, with no concrete resolution to deter theft.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j602x31 wrote
Darcel Clark is a woman, but clearly you're super informed about all of this.
sanspoint_ t1_j60aijf wrote
Maybe if NYPD would actually do their fucking job...
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j60lw5c wrote
This is exactly right. If business or people can't turn to the government to protect them they will turn to the mafia type organization or the A team.
Here is an article on delivery workers forming a the beginning of a mafia because the police can't protect them. It's not there yet but give it a couple of years and some leader will emerge that will enforce a protection racket.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j60m6r0 wrote
Not true. Bragg was proud to show off his ideas in his day one letter. It was picked up by all the local press and extensively reported on.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j60n8jn wrote
You don't have to wait 6 months. Reports of a gun. Police investigate everyone runs away and are amazed the police chased them and made l they were treated very suspect due to the initial reports of a gun. Plus apparently someone was punched.
Then the protest due to the young age of the people involved. Though there is a spike in gun deaths around people under 18.
CBR929_Guy t1_j60oktl wrote
Soon, it will be donate $1 for us to help keep the bridge safe. Then it will be toll. And so it starts.
Techgruber t1_j610ckn wrote
Well, now that cops don't have to police weed smokers, maybe they'll have time for this.
AnthonyGuns t1_j61xrvi wrote
the NYPD does their jobs pretty well actually. They catch tons of criminals every day. not saying they can't be very dumb sometimes but the issue isn't that they "do nothing." Blame the liberal courts and legal system that puts em back on the street within a few hours. What's even the point of arresting criminals when some shitlib judge wont put them in jail?
snoberto77 t1_j62j12n wrote
This guy is so fucking detached from reality.
_neutral_person t1_j63nugz wrote
That's not the point of the legal system.
devolka t1_j641ajv wrote
Really? Number of police on the street is up. And so is crime. So isn't that LITERALLY the NYPD not doing their job?
Or is preventing crime not their job?
[deleted] OP t1_j641eyl wrote
Astoria321 t1_j65igpp wrote
Subway crime is way down at least
AnthonyGuns t1_j65pnwx wrote
Cops stop crime? What planet do you live on? Cops show up to do reports and then find/arrest suspects. If the people they arrest get released in few hours, how is that their fault?
payeco t1_j6610c9 wrote
You live in Dallas. How would you know about how the NYPD is doing?
Poor guy is 0-for-2.
devolka t1_j66gix4 wrote
Cops don't prevent crime they respond to it. And Increasing the number of cops only increases the number of people responding to the crime.
It sounds like we agree and backed ourselves into an argument .
devolka t1_j66h3bl wrote
Lol. Really massaging those stats huh, lol? If you ignore everywhere New Yorkers live, eat, work, and spend time... crime is down! Lol. Adams and Hocul going for the participating trophies.
AnthonyGuns t1_j66l4qk wrote
Because I lived in NYC for 11 years and during that time I helped physically apprehend several criminals that were victimizing innocent bystanders. so, I actually have quite a bit more experience with the nypd and crime than the average New Yorker that cowers and runs when feral criminals get wild. Don't think much has changed since in the 10 months I've been gone but please enlighten me
payeco t1_j66lcaj wrote
Come back and post an opinion when you live here.
AnthonyGuns t1_j66lpz3 wrote
Oh wow great point I'm totally owned
Astoria321 t1_j68rdw3 wrote
IDK it's the only stat i heard on NPR. Also is there a source for there being more cops on the street? Last i heard the NYPD is severely short staffed and only upped the number of units in the transit system
Astoria321 t1_j68t3t9 wrote
Literally proving my point and debunking yours? The article says they moved street officers to the transit system
devolka t1_j68tz2a wrote
Right. How's that debunk my statement.
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