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Sad-Principle3781 t1_j6cdts3 wrote

yea, this is better than the band of migrants who were arrested for shoplifting from Macy's the other day. Let's keep welcoming them in with open arms and see how city and country develops from the influx of people.


Figbud t1_j6ecvkk wrote

Honestly yeah, migrants have done nothing but ruin this place. They built a bunch of concrete, have no respect for nature, and killed all of the people who live here. I hate immigrants !!1!


Junk-trash t1_j6e2jco wrote

Migrants are less likely to steal (and commit any crime) than people born in the USA


mad0666 t1_j6cx4sd wrote

Macy’s sucks, they deserve to be robbed for how horribly they treat their employees.
