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SkyliteBlueSnake t1_ja8h065 wrote

My will is filed with the county so that if no one can find my copy, they can still go to the court and have them pull it up (for a small fee I'm sure). I have some copies in small fireproof box. There are more copies in a three ring binder in the office closet. It's kind of a hide in plain sight situation. Is a thief really going to go for a Lisa Frank binder (it's not actually a Lisa Frank binder. I respect my eyeballs too much for that kind of crap) on a shelf with a package of padded envelopes, boxes of markers and pens, and a stack of manuals for various devices? Especially when there are portable electronics all over the home and a giant jewelry box (it's 3 feet tall) full of not at all expensive, but high sentimental value, sparkly things? Also designated POA/secondary POA have copies of their POAs (financial and health).