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WhatRUsernamesUsed4 t1_jadd7yw wrote

  1. The average return of VTSAX since it's inception is 7.15%, idk where you got 11.5 from.

  2. I'm about the same age and you are assuming we will be lucky enough to match the greatest bull runs of human history. It's far more likely our parents just had better investment opportunities than we will ever have access to.

  3. The needs of a 64 yo who started investing a while ago and a 64 yo who started investing last year will still be the same. A 20% hit would affect both the exact same. Monetary needs are forward moving.


2wheeloffroad t1_jadu3ms wrote

The second chart on this page is interesting

Shows how crazy the market is compared to so an early 40 year window - so ya, good chance we won't repeat this as much if it was due to deficit spending. It also shows how much worse bonds have performed.


FD_4LYFE69 t1_jado23x wrote

Sorry bro your post makes zero sense. I wish you luck in your wealth building FYI VTSAX closely mirrors s&p 500 which has a non inflation adjusted return of 11.58%. Lets touch base in 30 years and see who has more money :)