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t1_je33vak wrote

You can ask them nicely but they probably aren't going to remove 2 missed payments. That's a pretty big oversight


t1_je3fwvi wrote

You should def start with calling your card. My long past experience of missing many payments on lots of different cc is that they all have some forgiveness policy that may help.


t1_je3gabh wrote

Yep if you're sincere and have good history they'll definitely reverse at least 1


t1_je7yna8 wrote

This would be forgiveness of a late payment perhaps, but not usually to the credit bureaus, at least not any FI's I know of.


t1_je4itd2 wrote

I have worked at two credit unions, and while we try to help folks as much as possible, we will not change accurate credit reporting. Ever.


t1_je4qk6o wrote

They might. I screwed up all 4 of my cards because of something going on the caused me to miss my usual payment date and mentally I just spaced paying all my bills.

They didn't even make a pretense of it being a problem and reversed all the penalties and interest. Discover even apologized to me for the inconvenience.

If you are a good customer then they'll likely bend over backwards, and you can threaten to close the card and talk to retentions (though if it's your oldest card then you won't want to actually do that)