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44Nj t1_je3fwvi wrote

You should def start with calling your card. My long past experience of missing many payments on lots of different cc is that they all have some forgiveness policy that may help.


Oyster_Jelly t1_je3gabh wrote

Yep if you're sincere and have good history they'll definitely reverse at least 1


gearboxlabs t1_je3y2xn wrote

Tell them you had Covid.


gearboxlabs t1_je6r62w wrote

Always nice to see downvotes instead of discussion. It's not the disagree button, y'all.

The *reality* is that Covid /is/ a reason that banks /do/ forgive lateness. I know personally that this is true.


EclecticPhotos t1_je7yna8 wrote

This would be forgiveness of a late payment perhaps, but not usually to the credit bureaus, at least not any FI's I know of.