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okfnjesse t1_iug13ug wrote

A lot of explanations here but "very accurate" is the real answer. If credit karma says you have a 720 and you have money for a down payment, you're almost assuredly getting approved for a mortgage


CASTePhYRusIO OP t1_iug18to wrote

Okay. I’m closeish. I just need to pay down some more on debts and I should be good.


okfnjesse t1_iug1xdk wrote

Another thing you can do is just go to the bank and run a pre-qualification. You might be there already. Best of luck


CASTePhYRusIO OP t1_iug23sb wrote

I did a home loan check through NASB and they said I only qualified for 120k at most with my scores and how much I was willing to put down.