
okfnjesse t1_iyr9e7e wrote

I hope if they ever need mental health care against their will, we have a place available for them to go instead of rotting on the streets, getting a huge gangrenous foot, getting raped robbed and stabbed, coming down from crack highs, and committing an uncontrolled act of violence that leads to them murdering someone. This is not an exaggeration of what it's like for mentally ill people out on the streets at the moment. These people need care not freedom


okfnjesse t1_iug13ug wrote

A lot of explanations here but "very accurate" is the real answer. If credit karma says you have a 720 and you have money for a down payment, you're almost assuredly getting approved for a mortgage


okfnjesse OP t1_ithez36 wrote

I've been waiting on GMK Birch long enough to have moved twice and purchased an Eero Saarinen executive arm chair (something I found out about because of this set). The RAMA quality was unfortunately completely borked. It's cut too loose and won't stay on a switch so I'll unfortunately have to return it. I'm very happy with how this set came out.

Shout out to u/SkyChief80 for selling me the white Vega to match the set.