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t1_iyd6ljy wrote

I used to work there. Ask to be transferred to your local customer SOLUTIONS department. It’s different than customer service, they’re higher-level problem solvers and will likely get it done. Cases are tracked so they’ll get it done or at least let you know what to do.


OP t1_iyd8j0h wrote

Thank you, I appreciate that!


t1_iydj180 wrote

Yeah, no problem. I worked in solutions, customer service is useless. They'll get it done for you.


OP t1_iydjmh1 wrote

I appreciate that immensely, thank you. Means a lot. This is stuck in my craw and it’s such a stupid reason to get a canker sore, but it’s so bafflingly simple, my brain—I swear, is all haha. I’m gonna do every one of these suggestions until I get results.