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t1_iydkye3 wrote

Tbh, I need pretty regular health care visits and my SO is a healthcare provider. I learned this from watching her send the commissioner after insurers when they failed to pay her claims in a timely manner.

Then one day I went to see a new primary. He told me the office phlebotomist was in network, and she was not. I had to get the insurance commissioner involved twice in that case. The first time to have them inform the provider that surprise out of network charges are illegal in my state, and unless they have a signed release from me they and my insurance will have to pay the lab costs. Well my insurance agreed to... But only for the amount they would pay an in network provider. So then I had to get the commissioner involved a second time to have him inform the lab that balance billing me is also illegal and they will have to take that up with the provider and my insurance.....

Yea I never went back to that primary again after that shit show.


OP t1_iydlqpk wrote

Wow! That’s quite a lot! I’m glad you were able to get it sorted out, but hate to wonder what the headaches must have felt like. This option is pretty high on my list to chase now. Thank you so much. It’s relieving just to know there’s a chance!


t1_iydpbxt wrote

To be honest, once you hand everything to the commissioner you are entirely hands off unless they need more info from you. It was only a headache while I was researching state laws to see if I had any recourse for the out of network charges and balance billing, other than that just an annoyance really