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heartattack0 t1_iy9pooc wrote

You make objectively good money, just not in the Bay area. The first step is getting that into your brain. Honestly speaking it's kind of low considering there are stories about teachers clearing north of 90k that can't afford to live near work.


Ernie_McCracken88 t1_iya3wfa wrote

Yeah I didn't want to be a dick but I had the same take. This person could easily be spending 40-50% of take home pay on rent without going overboard in terms of space/neighborhood. If I had any capability/willingness to get out of the bay area I would, until (if) the housing situation is radically improved 60k take home just isn't enough. I was looking for my brother and 1000$/sq ft in a decent neighborhood seemed to be the norm, and this was in like 2017.


BoomervsZoomerPPV t1_iya4x2a wrote

As someone who’s lived in the bay, this is true. It’s good money in a lot of places, but not in the bay. Salaries there for the most part are already adjusted.


cardinalsfanokc t1_iyaz92r wrote

That's not even objectively good money for a place like OKC let alone the bay area.


Xalowe t1_iydad0y wrote

$2,800 per paycheck is roughly $100-110,000 (depending on deductions) before taxes. The average household income and family income in Oklahoma City is $48,500 and $62,500, respectively. How is he not making objectively good money for Oklahoma as a single earner?


cardinalsfanokc t1_iydcaah wrote

OP said takehome is $2800, assuming 26 paychecks that's $72k a year. It's livable, for sure, but not objectively good. I lived there, I know. It's enough to be comfortable.


Xalowe t1_iyddc2s wrote

I think we have different definitions about what good money is. Making more take home money than the average family’s gross is certainly good to me.


cardinalsfanokc t1_iyddkak wrote

Maybe but the point is they're in the bay area and this isn't even close to good money there, even if you doubled it.


Xalowe t1_iyde7s8 wrote

I agree - certain parts of the country feel like a different planet when it comes to cost of living. And with OP’s debt, they’re in a tough spot.