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t1_iy9pxcs wrote

I'm always surprised when people suggest a loan to pay off credit card debt. You're not doing anything with the debt; you're just shifting it somewhere else. So taking out a loan won't help at all.

You can contact your creditors and ask them to lower the interest rate, but the only thing that will get rid of this is paying it off painfully and slowly or by declaring bankruptcy. It sounds like your credit is already shot to hell anyway so bankruptcy isn't going to make it that much worse anyway.

Moving forward, you have to think of yourself as middle class and live that way. Median income in San Francisco is $55K/year so you're just above that. And that's probably much lower than what you actually need to make to feel comfortable living in SF. So I wouldn't say you're close to having "good money" for SF. After you're debt free, if you want to put towards retirement and have an emergency fund then you'll actually have to live as if you're lower middle class.


t1_iy9vltr wrote

Median HOUSEHOLD income in SF is $119,136. If she's the only member of her household, she is below median household income.


t1_iyaihfg wrote

Taking out a loan can reduce his interest over time. Yes loan consolidation doesn’t fix the problem but neither is drowning in 20% interest.


t1_iybvnmo wrote

This is true. I did a loan consolidation for mine at 12k and I went from 21% on each card to just 8% with the loan. It DOES help.