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inoen0thing t1_iybuxz2 wrote

Reply to comment by Grenachejw in Help! Drowning in debt. by nah_just_ocd

Having to spend 82% of your income on debt and a single expense for 4-7 years to get out of debt has no first step that is not bankruptcy or a large inheritance. If we get conservative it is 72% over 8-14 years…. I understand paycheck to paycheck. The OP is not doing this… they are doing this then spending 90k above income.

It is important to remember the OP is sending at the very least 26% of income on just the CC interest. So putting rent at your suggestion means they have just rent and just interest at 60% of income. Add a car, insurance, cell phone, utilities and food in the area they are in and there is nothing left. It is not possible to do this on the OP’s income without changing their life entirely. They will be in bankruptcy to get out of this… they need to just do it now before they further their damage.

Sometimes the answer is not hope, spreadsheets and organization. In this case it is not and the advice of reducing rent is not sustainable. They need professional help or it will get worse. For them to do this budget overnight they would need to be very good at budgeting money to break even every check and not pay debt off. They need professional help.


Grenachejw t1_iybxvmg wrote

I think you missed the step of getting the interest rate reduced. OP makes over $80k, takes home $73k. Reduces rent to $24k or less a year. Living expenses another $20k. That leaves around $30k left to put towards hopefully only principal after negotiating. Side Hussle Uber gig, eBay side business, maybe $1k per month additional. Share a room somewhere save another $10k a year. As I said if op is motivated to avoid bankruptcy they've got a potential $50k to throw towards a not yet negotiated debt, which could be less depending on the cc companies willingness to work with them
