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wickedkittylitter t1_j29om1l wrote

Before marriage, I'd split the mortgage payment based on income. If one of you makes 60% of the total household income, that person pays 60% of the mortgage.

If you're sure you'll get married, this is a broader question than how to split the mortgage. The two of you will need to decide how you'll handle all the finances after marriage. Will both paychecks go into one account and every bill come out of that account? Will you utilize the three-account method where the majority of each of your paychecks goes into one main account and bills are paid out of this account and the remainder of your paycheck goes into an account only you use and can spend how you want with a similar account for your spouse? Only the two of you can decide what method works best for your marriage.


DaLeprechaunDon OP t1_j29p57i wrote

This is actually what we do for rent now. We haven't decided how we will manage funds yet. We've had some convo about some of the options you've mentioned here and will make that decision when it's closer. Thanks for the response!


wickedkittylitter t1_j29rq5v wrote

Best of luck on your buying and future marriage! It's great that the two of you talk money with each other. So many couples don't.