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MinistryofTruthAgent t1_j26w6ta wrote

Cut your food bill. Should have 0 shopping if you can barely afford rent. $200 electric bill? What kind of apartment do you live in? Stop using AC/Heater. Lots of things you should cut. Mobile phone $151 for 1 person???


28carslater t1_j278vnl wrote

>Stop using AC/Heater.

Um yeah we get 0F here now, so we can't really turn off the furnace. Humidity gets brutal June-Aug/Sept so yeah you're going to want that A/C too but yes one could pretend its the 80s and survive without it.


MinistryofTruthAgent t1_j2ay0q1 wrote

I’ve lived in the gulf coast and along the Canadian border.

You can survive off a space heater and 80 degree internal temp.

No excuse to me for a $200 electric bill for an apartment.