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t1_j6ok1tv wrote

I guarantee your dad has financial issues if he told you that and as such I would probably never take financial advice from him if I were you. The market is down so let’s sell off some stock and lock in our losses. Nope.

Yes I would buy a 2k car on my credit card but not because it is zero percent interest but because you probably need a car and you’re broke

And how are you going to afford the installation of a dui breathalyzer and monthly costs?


t1_j6ov1ig wrote

All this plus his insurance costs will be huge.


OP t1_j6p52ll wrote

I can afford the insurance, interlock and monthly check costs for the interlock. I just need the bulk cost of the car without being stuck in a 4 year loan. I just can’t find a place that’s willing to take outside financing and trying to stick me with a 4-5 year loan at 6-7%


OP t1_j6p4pv1 wrote

That’s the problem I’m facing. It’s been ten years since I’ve driven (I waited until I got sober didn’t want to get locked down or jail time) and the only way I can get a better job is to get a car and get the interlock Otherwise I’m stuck picking a job that’s within walking distance. Yes I can afford the installation and the monthly as I have a job I just need to get the car under my belt. Figured if I had a zero percent interest I could use my card and pay it off monthly. Because the dealership I went to has a minimum of 48 month loan at 6.9%. So I didn’t know if a 401k loan would work or a personal loan I could use? I tried going to my bank and credit union but the car couldn’t be older than five years. So what would you recommend to get a car loan for an older car? I can’t make more money without going to college or taking a different job and I can’t do any of that without a car as furthering my education the college is 45 min away