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nayrb1523 OP t1_j9tnr94 wrote

All of the options are bad, and legit this is completely disheartening to see which chuckle fucks are the "top four". No one with a spine will win (are there any spines in Council anyway?) and the bullshit of councilmanic prerogative will live on for another decade+. The city needs a reboot with the incoming mayor and holy shit, thinking of Kenyatta fucking Johnson as Council President does me in.


Unfamiliar_Word t1_j9twtny wrote

>thinking of Kenyatta fucking Johnson as Council President does me in.

If that happens, I'm going to find whoever wished upon a monkey's paw for Darrell Clarke to resign and clobber him.


GumshoeAndy t1_j9u1ykp wrote

I literally spit my coffee out when I heard on WHYY that Kenyatta motherfucking Johnson is throwing his hat into the ring for council president.