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phillybeardo t1_j965qf1 wrote

I wonder if folks in the other thread talking about sending the military to North Philly to lock down/raid the neighborhood will wake up this morning with a changed heart? Or, will they continue on living on with that viewpoint in their heart? I guess we'll see (they probably won't change).


BureaucraticHotboi t1_j96ap8q wrote

I seem to remember a very highly upvoted comment about how Cecil B Moore would weep(with the assumption the shooter was black)


BirthdayPast t1_j96lwqw wrote

highly doubt the original poster knows much about cecil b. moore beyond the street name


Desjardins99 t1_j96co7j wrote

Don't think the truth will matter. Despite the fact tons of ppl in rural areas own ATVs and have no idea what "bike life" even is....some people in the OG thread saw he owned dirt bikes and pivoted to him being "influenced" by "north Philly bike life".


phillybeardo t1_j96cyi0 wrote

Oh, for sure. I feel like if you've reached the point of saying things like (and I paraphrase), "they should go door to door through the neighborhood and raid each home", your POV has been settled WAY before this case, or any new facts about it.


burrata-academy t1_j96dgxj wrote

Genuinely the dumbest take imaginable, but if youโ€™re addicted to your simplistic narratives and too small to cut it in the real world, youโ€™re gonna end up grasping at straws. Itโ€™s fucking embarrassing.


Raecino t1_j96khfd wrote

The disgusting racists in this subreddit make me sick.


sugr_magnolia t1_j96l1oh wrote

Please report racist content. We can't be in every thread at all times.


DuvalHeart t1_j96nw6k wrote

Does it have to be outright or do dogwhistles count?


sugr_magnolia t1_j96o7xp wrote

Anything and everything should be reported. We know a dogwhistle when we see one, and we do our best to remove content before it's even reported. But we can't have eyes on every thread at all times.


OneTrueDweet t1_j96nytu wrote

How do we report dog whistles? They skirt around it but talking about the neighborhoods instead of the residents.


EvilGnome01 t1_j96iy2h wrote

Doesn't take much to get them to show their fascist tendencies