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fkdkshufidsgdsk t1_ja9m1b3 wrote

Gotta love how people think “ethnic” food should be cheap when the work that takes to make it well is as much or more than any western cuisine. Also the economy affects everyone, prices are higher everywhere and when you use high quality ingredients that means more cost


Daddie76 t1_ja9rg90 wrote

I’m from China but if a place starts charging me $18 a bowl for hand drawn noodles, they can fuck right off


GeekyMoore t1_jaam6ra wrote

What are you even talking about? The ingredients for Pho are cheap af & you can buy in bulk at stores in Chinatown and on Washington ave. Hell, the recipe is easy too and they usually have non Asian immigrants in the back cooking. 18$ is crazy talk. 9$ is the average in Chinatown.


seeyouinhelenkellers t1_jaarmqj wrote

Just checked the menus for three places in Chinatown and it was $12-15. Pretty much the same in South Philly pho spots.