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porkchameleon t1_ja3zo2r wrote

The reason this guy is at the top of the list of the ambulance chasers I’d call? Constant posts about his ads on this subreddit.

His ad campaign is beyond successful; thank you for ensuring that time and time again 😘


dwsam t1_ja476nm wrote

Just the use of the word is enough to never ever call this douchebag.


porkchameleon t1_ja4flvh wrote

But this subreddit keeps posting about him every two weeks or so, and I don’t know any other ambulance chasers.



uptown_gargoyle t1_ja6dk5b wrote

yes i am also a sophisticate who selects their lawyers and doctors and such on the basis of their advertising prowess


porkchameleon t1_ja7vi1n wrote

But how many can you name from the top of your head in a pinch?

Jawn Morgan, I Hate Steven Singer... it works!


MarketStEl t1_ja4232w wrote

“I don’t care what you say about me, as long as you spell my name right.” —Henry Ford

This is indeed proof of the truth of that statement as far as marketing is concerned.