
MRichards18 t1_j849inm wrote

Reply to comment by FormerHoagie in 2016 by Failedmysanityroll

Very in-the-box thinking, just like you’re told.

There was a reason the DNC didn’t want Bernie to win and it wasn’t simply “because he wasn’t going to win.” They were afraid of how he’d shake up the norms and halt their corporate ties. In hindsight, since Hilldawg lost, maybe they should have let him have a go and bad orange man would have never been in office.


MRichards18 t1_j6fznt1 wrote

Reply to comment by lilsebass in This dog is a bird! by eggjacket

My dog loves this shit and I had him out there in his jersey. So many people came up and tried to tell me that I should leave because my dog might be overwhelmed…I know my dog. He’s been out there for so many events along broad. People need to mind their own business on that shit sometimes.