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NapTimeFapTime t1_j8o6t3m wrote

It’s the stroadiest. I’m very pro-rail project, but they are going to have to unwind like 75+ years of car-centric/car-only/car-first infrastructure in KOP to make it a place that I would want to take public transit to.


Unfamiliar_Word t1_j8oa85e wrote

It's unspeakably frustrating that SEPTA is exerting so much effort to build a transit line through places that are among the least amenable in the area to transit and that is likely to be very resistant to ever changing to accommodate it.

I've also gotten the impression that the malls, critical ridership draws, are not very enthusiastic about the project. I'm pretty sure that Lower Merion Township doesn't want it either. I don't really know who is pushing this project so hard, but whoever it is are a bunch of fools and real jerks too.


NapTimeFapTime t1_j8obsqr wrote

I think the mall and lower Merion doesn’t want the rail project because they don’t want city folk to come to the mall.


AbsentEmpire t1_j8t99e6 wrote

Nobody tell them about where the workforce to run the mall is coming from.

Thier heads might explode if they learn a substantial number of 202 corridor office workers also come from the city.