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t1_jea88w3 wrote

Agreed. Domb and Rhynhart are the only candidates I'm considering.


t1_jec33cp wrote

Wish we had ranked choice for this very reason, they're the only two candidates worthy of consideration, everyone else is just varying levels of do nothing, corrupt, and clown.


t1_jec3aej wrote

I don’t disagree. I hope they don’t split the reasonable vote.


t1_jech06k wrote

I don’t see how they won’t. Practically everyone reasonable I encounter says those are their top 2, and they’re mine as well. Domb is my top choice but I’d be happy with Rhynhart.


t1_jechkt8 wrote

Exactly. I'm leaning towards Rhynhart but, I'd be happy with Domb. It sounds like you and I have similar views on the candidates but, we're at risk of canceling each other out. This is a good case for ranked choice voting.