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BrokenManOfSamarkand t1_jcudz5x wrote

I'm not hand-waving anything. You're engaging in guilt by association for over a billion Catholics by trying to claim they "defend organizations that fuck children," as if all the good work done by millions and millions of Catholics in charity, education, healthcare, etc as part of the church should be dismissed because of the actions of a subset of evil men. It's bullshit tribalism, and you know it.


DayJob93 t1_jcugtdw wrote

If you need religion to tell you what is right and wrong and act as the main source of inspiration for ethical behavior in your life then I truly feel sorry for you.

It’s only hundreds of years late but the pope is finally considering ending the ban on marriage for priests. That is a start, but forgive me if I am not rushing to pat you all on the back for finally embracing some progressive changes to your famously regressive and corrupt institutions


Indiana_Jawnz t1_jcuonx8 wrote

I feel sorry for people like you who think grandstanding on Reddit makes them morality superior to those who actually do charity work.

Pack up your edgy atheist routine and take it back to 9th grade.


BrokenManOfSamarkand t1_jcuh3ry wrote

>If you need religion to tell you what is right and wrong and act as the main source of inspiration for ethical behavior in your life then I truly feel sorry for you.

I'd argue that religious belief is the only defensible source of ethical behavior that isn't inherently arbitrary, but I don't think we need to get into that.

>It’s only hundreds of years late but the pope is finally considering ending the ban on marriage for priests.

He should not.

Have a good day!