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Scumandvillany t1_jdb2eq6 wrote

When did we get to the point of everything needing a pilot program? Like do half the stations this year and half next.

That said, I'm glad they're doing something.

I've been saying exclude and remove the smokers and shitters and shooters from transit. Septa is not and should not be responsible for the homeless population. Its seriously deterring lots of people from using the el. The worst is smoothbrain idiots out there defending or criticizing plans to do something about it, or making fun of people who talk about smoking or drug use like they're suburban babies. Get fucked with that attitude.


Thot_P0cket t1_jdbt5c2 wrote

> When did we get to the point of everything needing a pilot program?

My favorite is still the pilot program for street sweeping. The Empire State Building was constructed in its entirety faster than Philadelphia can figure out how to tackle street sweeping.


LBITruckee t1_jdcaevo wrote

They need to go back to allowing cars to being towed before being ticketed.


LBITruckee t1_jdcabrp wrote

I moved near fishtown with the plan to take the train into the CC for work.

The train is one of, if not the worst, experiences I have ever had in Philly since moving here ten years ago. It’s a shit hole…literally. The homeless and junkies have taken the system over. They should make it impossible to access the stations without paying. All the homeless should be removed. As you said, it’s not the responsibility of septa to take care of the homeless population. I’m all for paying more in taxes to help house and feed people. There is zero reason why myself or anyone should feel unsafe at 3pm on a Tuesday taking the train.


estellato12 t1_jdcjcuk wrote

I sometimes literally get off a stop or two early to avoid certain ones. Some of them you can’t even walk up the stairs.