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Scumandvillany t1_jdb2j26 wrote

They passed the resolution in the last meeting. They're buying them, but they're buying them from the same company that designed septa key. Hopefully it goes well.


wallythegoose t1_jdb3sfq wrote

They should just contract the PATCO gate designer.


sigourneybeaver666 t1_jdb50zl wrote

Those are easy to just walk straight through.


changeorchange t1_jdb8q0x wrote

I rarely see people jumping the turnstile but every day I see multiple people going through the handicap gates on one swipe. These look the same as those but taller.


sigourneybeaver666 t1_jdcj03z wrote

I almost always see someone push their body weight into the glass and pry it open to go through. It looks relatively easy.