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Starpork t1_je9xrli wrote

The streets department giveth, the streets department taketh away


colefly t1_jebrovv wrote

Streets department is a capricious god with ineffable whims.

It takes the inscribing of many symbols upon the asphalt, and sacrifices at night to call down their blessings or their curse


FordMaverickFan t1_je9wgp3 wrote

As someone with a street tree that got absolutely crushed by a neighbors car trees should come with concrete bollards


ChipmunkFood t1_jefz8uh wrote

I had a tree that routinely got screwed up by morons with trucks.


canzar t1_jeauqdn wrote

I had a construction crew run my tree over years ago, so I replaced it with an eastern red bud.

Here is the list of recommended trees to bring when you go shopping:


jicket t1_jecwq6w wrote

Redbuds are one of my favorite trees. It must look absolutely gorgeous right now!


DrJawn t1_jebc5nd wrote

The Streets Dept cracked the living shit out of my neighbor's concrete last year by parking a huge truck right on it during a street repair because we have a small street and the city is STILL fighting them on fixing it.


mrwindup_bird t1_jeb36zj wrote

I wonder if you're entitled to compensation? Someone I know got bonkers money when a neighbor cut down a tree in their yard


wpcodemonkey t1_jecb6td wrote

Some asshole who lives next to me parks his box truck in front of my house/on my tree. He has broken almost half of the branches off and put a huge gash in the trunk. So fucking infuriating. I’ve been caring for my tree for four years now.


Pantone802 t1_jeco9h1 wrote

That sucks. Are you able to install a bollard? I’m not that slick. I’d be out there letting the air out of the tires until he understood that doing that = flat tires.


ChipmunkFood t1_jefzq5k wrote

I had an asswipe neighbor who'd always park his fucking truck and wreck branches on my tree. Maybe I should do something like the following: my parents had a tree where people would always reach up and break off branches so I got some gloppy stuff called "Tanglefoot" (to keep bugs off fruit trees) and coated the lower branches with it. So when the smacked-asses grabbed a branch they'd get this sticky-as-hell-non-water-soluable shit on their hands. The best part is that you could say "It must be sap from the tree." Yep, it stopped the morons breaking branches!