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nnp1989 t1_jb5dn97 wrote

We adopted a 3 year old JRT not too long ago from Morris Animal Refuge. They didn't know anything about his past other than that he was an owner surrender from another shelter, but I'm almost positive it was a similar situation - he's extremely reactive and absolutely hates kids and/or people abruptly getting too close to him, but is otherwise the sweetest guy. He's made a ton of progress in the short time we've had him, but I don't think he's ever going to completely change based on what he probably went through before this.


notyourcookie t1_jb5qi4s wrote

I had a Jack Russell growing up. She also, had a low tolerance for bull shit. There were 4 kids in our family ranging from 6-13, she loved all of us and would protect us with her life, but anybody outside of our family, she really didn’t care for. Kids in the neighborhood called her devil dog.

She lived to be 18 and was the best dog ever. I miss her so much but I would be hesitant to get a JRT with kids.