
nnp1989 t1_jbl4kvr wrote

Really not sure where you're getting the "looks empty 90% of the time" feeling from. As someone who walks down Arch to work and back every day, there's nearly always an event going on, whether you realize it or not. Lots of industry-specific conventions that you may not hear about if you're not in that particular line of work, but it's definitely regularly used.


nnp1989 t1_jbjo3ve wrote

The trick for the Mann is to just hang out in the moat between the lawn and pav if you have lawn tickets. As long as you're okay with standing and can get there early enough, it's a great view. I did that for Phish N2 last year and it worked out pretty well. I was lucky enough to score actual seats in the main section for the Tweezerfest N1, which as you mentioned was absolutely face-melting.

I think the nitrous tanks are just a problem everywhere, but the lot scene tends to be so cramped at the Mann that they're all on top of each other and it makes it seem worse.


nnp1989 t1_jb5dn97 wrote

We adopted a 3 year old JRT not too long ago from Morris Animal Refuge. They didn't know anything about his past other than that he was an owner surrender from another shelter, but I'm almost positive it was a similar situation - he's extremely reactive and absolutely hates kids and/or people abruptly getting too close to him, but is otherwise the sweetest guy. He's made a ton of progress in the short time we've had him, but I don't think he's ever going to completely change based on what he probably went through before this.


nnp1989 t1_jadloj5 wrote

I was just there on Saturday. Beers are reasonable for that kind of setting, but prepare to pay $20+ for any cocktail.

Dinner is still pretty pricey. Easily close to $100+ per person if you're getting any apps or side dishes.

The menu at Jean Georges itself (not Skyhigh) is $218 per person, before tax/tip/beverages. I'd call that outrageous.