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t1_jdon1rm wrote

I went to the Waterloo location during the Phillies playoff run last year.. Lots of fun and I got a city wide for a taste of home. Cheesesteak was okay maybe 6/10 compared to the better Philly spots.

On another note, if you get a free hour, I highly recommend the Dennis Sever's house. They recreate different time periods late 1600s-early 1900s inside an old home. No phones and no talking so they try to make it pretty immersive.


t1_jdpd0gv wrote

No talking??? Did ppl back in the day not talk?


t1_jdpohne wrote

Nah... I'm sure there was actually talking.. they take a daredevil approach there. Basically they're saying your other senses are heightened if you're not "allowed" to look at your phone or talk with others. They play big into smells and "ambient noise" of the past.. just an offbeat experience that I thought was fun to check out