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Kodiak_85 t1_jecyg9g wrote

I don’t understand how it takes a public authority over thirty years to become ADA compliant.


flamehead2k1 t1_jed3xyi wrote

My understanding is that existing stations were grandfathered but need to be brought up to compliance once major renovations are made.

Without funding associated with the passage of the ADA, transportation agencies had no ability to renovate all their stations.


PorcelainCeramic t1_jefh1o5 wrote

The amount of money generated /year and they really try to spin the, 'we need funding’ spew..


vivagypsy t1_jeczfr9 wrote

And the fact that ALL OF THEM aren’t required to do this??? Under the ADA, they all should be.


donttouchthirdrail t1_jeehdtc wrote

Unfunded mandate foisted upon us transit agencies with no money and terrible capital cost controls.