Submitted by CinematicHeart t3_ydb1tv in philadelphia

I couldn't find this answer on there website and their contact info was down. I have a family membership with my husband. If I have a reservation and my husband isn't joining me can I bring another adult?



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Rad_Hoyer t1_itr1yxj wrote

They won’t care at all as long as you’re the one flashing the membership card and probably not even then. We routine swap out a parent for a guest


diatriose t1_itraoll wrote

I have a family membership and they've never checked my ID 🤷🏻‍♀️


thenewnameistwister t1_itr8bdm wrote

I used to bring whom ever. I had a family of four package and would bring my sister or my husband all the time. No one ever cared in my case. But I haven't had a membership in ten years


_SundaeDriver t1_itrxp0j wrote

We do it all the time, you won't have a problem


tryingtobreakeven t1_its1avu wrote

Always go to the line with the young black dude. He won’t care. The middle aged white lady will give you a hard time.


omygoodnessreally t1_itsdvu1 wrote

Unless she's a gen x lady, in which case she won't give a shit...even if her name is literally Karen


alittlemouth t1_itr19ar wrote

Pretty sure the family membership is for two named adults (they’re pretty stringent when it comes to checking ID’s). Whether you can show your membership and your ID and not have them ID the other person is probably up to whoever is scanning. I’d be prepared to pay for the other adult.


a-german-muffin t1_itr23kh wrote

It's technically for two named, yeah, but in practice, the zoo doesn't care. I've brought my mom on our membership before, for instance, and when I brought our little dude to Boo at the Zoo a couple weekends ago, they didn't even check my ID.


alittlemouth t1_itr2ll8 wrote

That's crazy to me! I've been carded EVERY time I go to the zoo with my membership. If I were OP I'd hope they'd let in the 2nd person but I'd still be prepared to pay for them!


a-german-muffin t1_itr3u4x wrote

I was a little surprised I didn't get the ID check for Boo, but at the same time, we had a reservation during early members hours, so... maybe they just had a good-faith expectation that only legit members would be showing up in that time frame. Who knows.


0rang3-Crush t1_itrho2c wrote

I remember them checking IDs years ago, but for at least the last 2 they haven’t carded me when they scanned my membership for entrance. Weird.


alittlemouth t1_itrk26f wrote

Weird! I’ve been a member for 10 years and have never not been asked for ID.


ModestAugustine t1_itrf88x wrote

Agree with most people here that they normally don't check IDs in my experience, so you should be fine either way. Although, do you have the family membership (which includes kids) or the Dual membership? I believe the Dual membership actually allows for a guest