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vertical_attorney t1_iu9q97s wrote

Hmm. "Is it worse" and "has there been a real decline in safety" are two separate things. It's not always a pleasant ride on the el, but someone smoking is not a threat. I think it's more or less back to normal in terms of safety, especially further from Kensington, but I'd also say that there are more frequently people being annoying and selfish. That's the case off of SEPTA too, though, so who knows.

BSL is usually fine, buses are even better.


TreeMac12 t1_iu9r479 wrote

>someone smoking is not a threat

That depends on what they are smoking


Skylineviewz t1_iuad4hg wrote

Call me old fashioned, but somebody brazen enough to smoke anything on a train probably is something of a threat


katecrime t1_iubsvpb wrote

Call me observant, but I’m guessing you never take public transit. (That one time years ago that you took the BSL to see a Phillies game doesn’t count).


katecrime t1_iua0pe5 wrote

How’s that?


mikebailey t1_iua5dha wrote

Second-hand crack is not to be trifled with


katecrime t1_iubsf4o wrote

Please be joking


mikebailey t1_iubslou wrote

No, second-hand crack is actually really bad

Edit: yea it was a joke, good lord


katecrime t1_iubt10z wrote

I’m simply going to assume this is trolling


mikebailey t1_iubt6zj wrote

I’m pretty sure the thing you replied to was sarcasm, but also second hand cig smoke on a closed car (edit: yes train car, lol) would really suck


katecrime t1_iubu2nk wrote

I was replying to your comment about “second-hand crack” - which is monumentally dumb


mikebailey t1_iubu400 wrote

Yeah it was a pretty blatant joke, as was probably the one above it


katecrime t1_iubtxqh wrote


Let’s assume you mean a subway car.
I actually ride the subway and have never experienced or witnessed someone smoking a cigarette on the train. Sometimes they carry a smelly half-smoked cigarette, which is stinky.
Sometimes there are other unpleasant smells from other people. But that’s life in a city, proximity to other people.

Even if you have to encounter “second hand smoke” during your 10-minute ride, I promise you, that’s not going to instantly give you cancer. Really.


mikebailey t1_iubu1nd wrote

I mean I feel like you are here seeking an argument about something folks were largely joking about so I’m not really gonna entertain it


katecrime t1_iubu8v6 wrote

These fear-mongering suburbanites are serious and think that crack-smoking “drug pushers” are plentiful on transit.


[deleted] t1_iubuan7 wrote



mikebailey t1_iubue7o wrote

Telling a joke isn’t trolling, you just can’t discern one from a serious comment. It’s a Saturday on Halloween weekend, Phils are playing, positive vibes.


katecrime t1_iubujvz wrote

A “blatant” joke (you should really look that word up) is only a joke if it’s funny/identifiable as such.


mikebailey t1_iubunxy wrote

You literally said “Up- and down- votes tell the story on Reddit. 💋” in another sub during this argument and there’s about a 20 vote differential here between you asking someone to explain a lighthearted comment and my sarcasm.

Here: No, I do not think SEPTA is hotboxed with crack


katecrime t1_iubux4w wrote

Elsewhere, stalker.

Get a life, go watch your sports games


mikebailey t1_iubv0wt wrote

“Go watch the Phillies” in r/philadelphia is considered a chirp? Oh brother


TreeMac12 t1_iuagotx wrote

How do you respond when the smoker looks at you and says “You got a problem?”


mikebailey t1_iubcw3g wrote

This validates my theory that you can respond with “brother, sigh in this economy?” to anything anyone on the street says and get away safely


katecrime t1_iubroi3 wrote

I don’t stare or glare at them, so this hasn’t/wouldn’t come up.

I’m a subway rider and I haven’t seen people smoking anything on the train. Most of the CC stations reek of cannabis, but that’s a far cry from “people smoking crack on the train”.

Similarly, you may see people nodding on a train or bus. Also different from a person “shooting up on public transit”.


DonQOnIce t1_iu9rl6l wrote

Yeah, it’s unpleasant so I don’t recommend it if you’re trying to show the best side of the city to visitors but I wouldn’t say it’s less safe.