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PhillyPanda t1_iu10gj8 wrote

Seems really stupid to sell guns used in an active ongoing case that’s received extensive media attention and the feds are involved in

Like no other guns?


ParallelPeterParker t1_iu12j1z wrote

Only guessing, but perhaps whomever he acquired them from wasn't worried once he unloaded them to the Sheriff's deputy guy?


point_breeze69 t1_iu28o40 wrote

This should be a crime like in other cities. If a person loses a gun they have legally registered and fail to report it missing/stolen that person should face consequences. This single law change alone would stop a huge illegal gun racket that goes on in Philly.


DelcoPAMan t1_iu3s1kb wrote

Yes. Unfortunately, the gun owner lobby at the state level has repeatedly stopped laws like that.


McNinja_MD t1_iu5ai5l wrote

That's cause being responsible and reasonable with guns is just the first step down a short slippery slope to communazis taking your guns and then sending packs of 30-40 5G-controlled feral hogs to tear your family limb from limb for their adrenochrome! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! /s


SoigneBest t1_iu1avnk wrote

Seems really stupid to be a deputy sheriff and selling guns and other contraband. Lock his ass up under CFCF, or better yet send his ass to Holmesburg so he can rot with the rats there.


timesyours t1_iu1mxyd wrote

He's going to Federal prison.


SoigneBest t1_iu25034 wrote

You missed the subtly of my comment or have never been to Holmesburg. But he doesn’t deserve a federal facility.


timesyours t1_iu2827h wrote

I was just pointing out that he's not going to the state system, although I agree he certainly deserves it. Sorry, missed the sarcasm. Have certainly been to Holmesburg! (The prison and the Ashburner..).


SoigneBest t1_iu2a5oc wrote

Oh and the inmates upstate will be waiting for him to be brought in. Inmates hate dirty LEO’s and I’m sure this dickhead will be in solitary for his own safety. CO’s also hate dirty LEO’s so they might let him get touched.


timesyours t1_iu2fslp wrote

I thought COs hated everyone?


SoigneBest t1_iu2itua wrote

You’re right, they do. My aunt was one before she retired, I never know if she likes me or tolerates me bc of her sister. Lol


InsaneAss t1_iu33omg wrote

Why doesn’t he “deserve” it? Federal prison isn’t necessarily worse. It’s just a federal crime so he would go to a federal prison. They have different security levels. Doubt he’ll be in some high security place with violent offenders.


waterboy1321 t1_iu2wpmg wrote

It also seems really stupid to sell guns to a guy you know is a snitch, because you pay him to snitch.


JBizznass t1_iu23go2 wrote

The criminals that get caught aren’t usually known for their intelligence.