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t1_it2yi05 wrote

Do delivery people actually bother with putting things in these kinds of boxes? You might be better off just having the package held at a nearby store/amazon locker.


t1_it3282v wrote

Not Philly specific but my last apt in DC had one and they'd use it maybe half the time. They would put packages on top of it, next to it, and behind it. So if delivery peeps use it, it's great. But don't hold your breath


t1_it38l3w wrote

it really is a 50/50. Some that you show it to and are nice and care do it but if it is a rando person on the route it is straight to front door in front of the bars.


t1_it50jtr wrote

I had one at my old house. In my experience, FedEx, UPS, and USPS used it almost all of the time. Amazon was 50/50 at best.