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nnp1989 t1_it3zoav wrote

About damn time. Keep it going.


BenFranklinBuiltUs t1_it6yqj3 wrote

Now lets talk next steps.

  1. charge them with the crimes
  2. put them on trial
  3. find them guilty
  4. put them in jail for a long time.
  5. Continue doing this to regain control of society.
  6. profit???

royisabau5 t1_it7erlh wrote


  1. Make a big announcement
  2. Make people and politicians think something is changing
  3. Go back to doing absolutely nothing
  4. Politicians use “crime in Philly” as a way to get votes

SonnyBlackandRed t1_it780f3 wrote

>put them in jail for a long time.

Good luck with that one. I think we all know how that ends. Which ADA screws up this time.