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kookadelphia t1_it0bccu wrote

Rare books dept at the main beach of the public library.


kcvngs76131 t1_it15qin wrote

In a similar vein, the Rosenbach museum. They partner with the public library to display a lot of cool stuff that isn't in their main collection, which is itself incredible


Jolly_Conflict t1_it16z0p wrote

Thank you for sharing this museum! I just googled it- I find this absolutely fascinating. Can’t believe I didn’t know it existed.


kcvngs76131 t1_it20chk wrote

I discovered it years ago, and it's become my favourite museum in the city. They do so many fun activities through the year, but by far, my favourite is Burns Night.


or_din_ar_y_guy t1_it2fpfw wrote

Heck even going to the library at all is next to impossible if you work 9-5