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ThanosSnapsSlimJims t1_ishbsji wrote

Nah, the end of one presidential administration does not, by any means, reduce the need for rallies.


Kyrthis t1_ishivii wrote

It really depends on the criminality of the administration. Everyone has a threshold. That’s mine.


ThanosSnapsSlimJims t1_ishj1vn wrote

They're all criminals, one and all. Trump's administration is one of many, and every single one has sold us out. The threshold should have been crossed after the first president, and the middle class should remain angry and take action.


Kyrthis t1_ishlbye wrote

You really think there was a middle class during the John Adams administration?

I think you don’t get to speak for me with “we.” I have my reasons to use my voice as I see fit, and that’s okay. I don’t begrudge people their own rubrics, given how little some people know about history and politics.

Edit: to be clear, that’s a metaphorical “we.”


ThanosSnapsSlimJims t1_isi6xnv wrote

To a degree I do. I mean, if you don't feel like the government sold you out, that's fine, I guess. That's okay. I begrudge people their own rubrics when they start to affect mine, regardless of what people know.


Kyrthis t1_isi7wji wrote

My issue is that your comments did (and continue to) belie a lack of understanding of history. As for the government selling anyone out, the issue isn’t as unilateral as that, because it implies two things that are not true: 1 - that the “government” was ever “for you” and 2 - that the problems of structural class oppression can be solved by mere electoral action.

I don’t advocate violence, but education. The problem is that the means of education for the masses have been co-opted by the ruling class to become purposefully inadequate, producing useful idiots so that we now live in De Tocqueville’s nightmare.


ThanosSnapsSlimJims t1_isi8f1g wrote

My understanding of history is just fine. What you're reading into it which brings you to your determination, along with your right to believe such things, is totally your right.

I do believe that the original intent of the government was for the American people.However, I don't believe that structural class oppression can be solved by any sort of electoral action. There needs to be some sort of change agent that's non-violent.

I don't advocate violence, either. The means of education have been co-opted by the ruling class, and the end-result is as you said. However, I see that as only one of the issues. The ruling class has created an inadequate system. The people within the system do nothing to prevent the ruling class from staying in power, or take any sort of action to fix things, perpetuating the problem, especially in terms of education.