
Kyrthis t1_ixy0y2p wrote

Good Samaritan laws cover the rescuer, and medically-trained people recognize each other by the handoff they give. I’ve begun an EMS work up on a train with no tools, praying I wouldn’t have to start CPR before we reached the next station, and gave a quick EMS/ALS history on a patient with an allergic reaction affecting his tongue. Sweeping airways are a bitch when you have no tools. An OD, you can breathe for them until someone arrives with an ambu-bag.


Kyrthis t1_isi7wji wrote

My issue is that your comments did (and continue to) belie a lack of understanding of history. As for the government selling anyone out, the issue isn’t as unilateral as that, because it implies two things that are not true: 1 - that the “government” was ever “for you” and 2 - that the problems of structural class oppression can be solved by mere electoral action.

I don’t advocate violence, but education. The problem is that the means of education for the masses have been co-opted by the ruling class to become purposefully inadequate, producing useful idiots so that we now live in De Tocqueville’s nightmare.


Kyrthis t1_ishlbye wrote

You really think there was a middle class during the John Adams administration?

I think you don’t get to speak for me with “we.” I have my reasons to use my voice as I see fit, and that’s okay. I don’t begrudge people their own rubrics, given how little some people know about history and politics.

Edit: to be clear, that’s a metaphorical “we.”