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Gizz718 t1_iy9ophg wrote

no but i want to learn how to drive on a highway properly. anyone i’ve talked to is shocked that my instructor isn’t teaching me how to drive on a highway. most of them are not from philly or didn’t learn to drive here though. i guess if they don’t teach it here then it makes a lot more sense why people here drive like that


liquidbluenight t1_iyalj0w wrote

Firstly, thank you for doing what you can to be a responsible driver! Secondly, please don’t ever stop at the end of a highway on ramp! On ramps are for bringing your speed up to the flow of traffic so you can safely merge. It blows my gasket every time I see someone stopped at the end of an on ramp - it’s even harder to safely merge when you’re starting from 0mph!