Submitted by NOLAnuts t3_z84a9o in philadelphia

UPDATE: So I looked up the Groupon and it was $79 for the consult for a new person so I bought it and the doctor called me like an hour later and approved me. Now just waiting for him to submit the certification to the PA registry tomorrow (he would have done it this evening but I had a registration glitch I had to take care of). I think I'll just need to pay PA $50 and I'm in business for a total of $130. Thanks to all for your help.



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typeytypetype t1_iy9nj7y wrote

I don't know the answer but I hope you get a prescription so you can calm down and stop yelling.


NOLAnuts OP t1_iy9npac wrote

I'm in a therapy group for loud talkers


typeytypetype t1_iy9p27a wrote

Glad you're seeking help.


MonkeyPanls t1_iya3tsz wrote




nemalde t1_iyaa5kn wrote

Drive across the bridge and get some recreational cannabis in New Jersey.

Seriously, IDK. One of my PCP’s is actually on the list. However that particular appointment is $175 cash.


tastycakebiker t1_iyanac4 wrote

Are there even any rec places in south jersey?


Proper-Code7794 t1_iycc68q wrote

If you have a car just drive the jersey and don't get a medical card.


LabLawyer t1_iy9uo99 wrote

I keep getting emails from Groupon about PA medical Marijuana cards. Have no idea if it's legit.


Rare_Examination_674 t1_iy9w47u wrote

Herbal care rx, just my doc, and the greenbridge society are ones I've used in the past/ been recommended to use.


hveasey1213 t1_iyac7a6 wrote

Sanctuary Wellness Institute


twolfe0 t1_iy9qa9s wrote

I had to pay about 500 total in cash when I got mine two years ago. I had a few friends and family get a card since then and I'm pretty sure they paid the same. Have you heard there's a "cheaper" way? It may have come down since then but I haven't heard anything about it. You will need to have a qualifying condition... luckily I had an anxiety diagnosis from 20 years ago that shows on my chart so all I needed to do was bring in a copy of such. Good's totally worth it


SomeOtherOrder t1_iy9ufys wrote

You got ripped off, $500 is crazy. I think I paid less than half of that.


twolfe0 t1_iy9w0rt wrote

When was that? Mine was in 2020, when anxiety just got added to the list of qualifying conditions. I paid 50 for the card and had to pay two separate cash payments for two separate appointments to the doctor doing the prescription. It may have been less than 500, either/or I still love having my card. Haha


Lizzardking666 t1_iy9wrhd wrote

Got my card in 2019 it was that much now 500 will get ya a card n maybe a 1/4oz n tgere are a ton of script doctors out there now unlike when i got my card they needed my medical history and my mental history took over a month for my card to finally arrive


NOLAnuts OP t1_iy9qpw5 wrote

Most of the online people seem to charge around $150-200 and then you have to pay PA $50,


WanderlustFella t1_iy9vs5d wrote

I don't think you're going to find anything cheaper. Veriheal for $200 + the $50 card is probably the cheapest I've seen. Since this isn't covered by insurance, its strictly the cost of seeing and being qualified by a doctor. Unless you got a doctor friend that is also registered by the State to approve patients, you're shit out of luck. Legal weed is a rich man's game


ginmang t1_iy9rrum wrote

What if you don't actually have any qualifying conditions from the list? (I mean who doesn't have anxiety but it's not on my chart per se).


ChemicalPop5255 t1_iyas59e wrote

Nobody looks at your medical chart. Anxiety is a qualifying condition. If you are claiming to have anxiety and would like to use Medical Cannabis to treat it, you will get approved. It’s as simple as that.


twolfe0 t1_iy9wkgb wrote

Good question and to be honest I have no idea. I'm sure you and I agree that they should just legalize fully in PA, but until then we gotta make due with what we have. Perhaps you can "get" one of the conditions? For example, maybe have a doctor diagnose you with anxiety. I'm grabbing at straws here but I'm rooting for you(and anyone who wants one) to get it.


delcodick t1_iy9w1sa wrote

Apparently questioning the OP knowledge of the law or what a PA MMC actually allows as opposed to what they think it allows is frowned upon 🤷‍♂️

In the state of Pennsylvania, according to Act 16 if 2016 a the Medical Marijuana Act, the term “medical marijuana” refers to marijuana obtained for certified medical use by a Pennsylvania resident with a SERIOUS medical condition and is limited by statute in Pennsylvania to use in the following forms: Pill, Oil, Topical forms including, gels, creams and ointments, Tincture, Liquid, A form medically appropriate for administration by vaporization or nebulization, excluding dry leaf or plant form


Dryheavemorning t1_iy9xpiu wrote

A good summary by someone who just looked up the law and has no experience with it in practice or how the regs have been updated. It's very easy to get a card, "serious" is not an objective standard and the doctors that specialize in medical cannabis trust your representation that cannabis will help your qualifying condition. It's difficult to not get a recommendation if you want one. The regs have also been updated to allow dry leaf or plant form, look at the menu of your local dispensary. PA medical marijuana is rec with a pay wall.


delcodick t1_iy9ytps wrote

The Judge I appeared in front of recently liked my argument better 🤷‍♂️


Dryheavemorning t1_iyadvpb wrote

You were arguing to a judge that cannabis flower isn't available at dispensaries? Or that it shouldn't be? Pretty lame practice if you're taking clients claiming to be injured by the availability of cannabis in its natural form.


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydhchc wrote

Updates have been made. If dry flower was illegal for medical use it wouldn’t be allowed in dispensaries - similar to why they don’t have edibles in candy form.


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydgfs8 wrote

I also got mine in 2020 and renewed in ‘21 and ‘22 - you got ripped off big time.


Lizzardking666 t1_iy9wdft wrote

Bottom dollar youll need approx $500 to get your card and first pick up takes approx 3 weeks from time of first visit til actual card physical card and date on card are valid after that you gonna need disposable income of approx 100plus a week


ChemicalPop5255 t1_iyarrsi wrote

You do not need anywhere near $500 to get a medical card. Not sure where you’re getting this # from? You pay $50 to the DOH plus anywhere from $50-$150 for the Dr. visit, which can be done on the phone.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyasi1x wrote

Between card and your first legal purchase yeah ya do. Oh and thats how you get an a bullshit card from the old script docs now signing off on mmj card for just saying im a stoner that wants better weed no real proof of injury or mental evaluation and dont give me that anxiety bullarky where the proof from a inpaintent staty or your shirnk that proves it!


ChemicalPop5255 t1_iyat4qq wrote

My Dr. appt cost $100. I paid the DOH $50. I got my card to treat anxiety. I have not been hospitalized for anxiety and it is not in my medical chart. And no approving MMJ Doc looks at your health record. And your first legal purchase can be an 1/8th on sale for $20. Do you actually have experience in the program? It kinda sounds like you’re just making stuff up.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyavgw6 wrote

And for real for real you and i both know you aint going into no dispo your first tim n buying one measly 3.5 thats on sale you gonna be like a kid in a candy store n buy everything even if ya dont know what it is lol


Lizzardking666 t1_iyauqkp wrote

I been here since the 75 1/8days if frx. I been here 4.5 years, your one of them fake patients i call them ya got ya card from a script doc n a cracker jack box no offense. when i got my card shortly after there was a flower shortage due two parts the state got greedy by adding anixety which brought the stoners wanting medical and the old scrpit doctors surfaced to get their hands in the market and the growers couldnt keep up. When i got my card it was $300 for the consultation in office visit where they accepted your claims then hadda wait for them to retrieve your records then call you back in for doc evaultion where he approved you or didnt then hadda wait another 2 weeks to get your card there were also only prime frx terrapin illera gleaf rythm whole plants n standard farms were still in diapers. on a good day you might get your order due in part from the shortage. So ask that last question to me again?


ChemicalPop5255 t1_iyawp6g wrote

Ok, well it’s different than it was 4.5 years ago. More people have access, it’s cheaper and there are far more options. I personally feel that weed should be completely legal. If it takes “Cracker Jack Box” docs, as you say, to get more PA residents access to MMJ until we can improve our laws than so be it. I don’t understand the problem here. And if someone is posting here for good information I think it’s important to supply them with that info if I have it. Not potentially deter them from accessing medicine because they thought the cost was different than it is. I’m sorry if you feel bitter that you may have had a more difficult time in the program 4+ years ago but things are a bit different now. And hopefully things continue to improve. ✌️


Lizzardking666 t1_iyayvfh wrote

Andt i did say aprrox 500 between doc state n first purchase. Yea now if we can get more quality bud and better consistency right now its terrapin frx ns pullin them strings n lit for the newbies. N n bitterness i feel bad for the state when they go recreational and seperate the ture medical from the cracker jacks lol happy medicating


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydgs3n wrote

$500 is insane. I paid $75 for my first appointment in 2020 and $50 to renew in ‘21 and ‘22, plus $50 to the state each time. I received my card in the mail less than 10 days later each time.


Lizzardking666 t1_iydjxo1 wrote

Does nobody see the word approx next to the 500. See another "cracker jack license" ten to 1 ya phyically never went to the office or even seen your doc. No offense lol


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydlu18 wrote

There is a huge gap between the $150-$175 that everyone else is mentioning and the $500 you got scammed for, “approximate” doesn’t bridge that divide.

I don’t know what badge of honor you’re hunting for - you overpaid and got ripped off.

“Bottom dollar” no one needs anywhere close to $500 or 3 weeks of time to get enrolled and participate in the MMJ program in PA.

There is no legitimacy earned by in-person vs. virtual consultations. Telehealth services are legit and used across all medical practices, including MMJ.

Your info is outdated, you got the runaround, and you’re clinging to nostalgia.


Lizzardking666 t1_iydoqo8 wrote

2019 to now also huge gap back then it wasnt a scam and now with the cheaper literally no screening its more a scam now than what i went thru however that approx $500 is still true you drop 175 on ya card ans the remaining at the dispo you first trip granted that can be less but still gonna drop money at the dispo so bottom line ya gonna spend APPROXIMATELY $500 BETWEEN the doc state and first visit to a dispensary not to mention ancillary products e rig vaporizer stash case etc etc. And still can take approx 4 weeks before you can get your card and enter a facilty. Saying this cause yeah 7 to 10 mailing days however. take atleast 3 to process the paperwork before they even print tge card which is another day so now ya at 2 weeks then a get ya card but the date on ya card is 7 days from the time got it ya now approx 4 weeks before going into a dispo.


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydq246 wrote

Tl;dr. Your info is outdated, you got ripped off, and nothing your sharing is relevant to anyone today.


Lizzardking666 t1_iydrqe3 wrote

Yes its revelant your gonna need approx $500 200 card doc state/300 dispo, going to wait approx a month before entering a dispensary,which on a first visit you can spend $25 on some onsale 3.5 flower or can spend $1000 but on avg its atleast 200 on your first trip and will need a disposable income or budget approx $100 a week for medicine. You can not get more bottom line truth n honesty n relevancy than that.


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydruih wrote

You got ripped off. No one should take your advice. It does not cost this much or take this long.


Lizzardking666 t1_iydtxbi wrote

Do ya need a calculator maybe this helps $175+$200 product +200 pax 3 or puffco peak $575. but $175+125 $300 n a dynvap ya now $400 as far as the card realisitcaly its only 2 weeks before ya can go to a dispensary ad there is a future date on your card usually 3 to 5 after its mailed to ya.


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydufio wrote

None of this is true, myself and others have shared we paid less and got ours faster.

Your information is outdated and your experience is antiquated.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyduvxn wrote

Like i said cracker jack licenses. Carry on im done with ya if you cant add or see the truth then i dont wanna be bothered


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydverr wrote

My medical marijuana card gets me the same meds yours does. Your overpriced “license” earns you no brownie points and doesn’t get you access to anything different than me.

A medical marijuana card can be obtained in less than two weeks for less than $200.

Anyone taking your advice will get ripped off same as you.


Lizzardking666 t1_iydx1vb wrote

Not saying mine was over priced it was 4.5 years ago was saying its a whole diffrent process now than it was back then. You do know what approx means? do ya? an inflated value. we do know its 100 125 maybe 150 depending which cracker jack box ya pic we do know your not allowed to combust vaporize only so that means 100 for a dyna 200 for pax or similar what we dont know is how much one is going to spend on product so apprpx $500 to get ya started i also know i set a budget and a limit of approx 100 a week based on my usuage of 1/8 indica 1/8 sativa a week


Lizzardking666 t1_iydk4ck wrote

Wait a sec your handle is sugar tits n hohos wherse suzy q n dingdongs lol


TheFAPnetwork t1_iyai38h wrote

Whoever is paying 500 is getting ripped off.

250-300 is about the lowest you'll get


blandstick t1_iyam2zq wrote

I think I paid 175- 50 to the state and 125 to the doc IIRC. I used herbalcarerx


Sugartits_n_Hohos t1_iydgcgc wrote

Not true. The place I went to in Camp Hill last year was $75 for new patients, $50 for renewals, and $50 to the state. Look online and in local print newspapers for coupons. $200 - $300 is robbery.


PedestrianMale t1_iyagjxz wrote

There is no cheap way. Even after you pay all the insane fees and jump through all the moral hoops you'll still be paying out your ass with each medicinal product purchased. This state is and will always be a shithole of corruption.
