typeytypetype t1_jeeydip wrote
Reply to Once a ‘South Philly secret,’ the Southeast Asian Market returns to FDR Park for another delicious season by ColdJay64
Very excited for this to re-open. Meat sticks, spring rolls, fried bananas, I want it all.
Wonder if it'll be a mob scene this weekend.
typeytypetype t1_jeexdmf wrote
Reply to comment by skip_tracer in Who has the best mashed potatoes? by LoveHorizon
Honestly, nothing like 50% butter to make the perfect potatoes.
typeytypetype t1_jeex8pf wrote
Reply to comment by bierdimpfe in Who has the best mashed potatoes? by LoveHorizon
Extra points for pushing the potatoes through a ricer for an extra fluffy and smooth mash
typeytypetype t1_je9rn45 wrote
Reply to comment by fishy1738 in Very itchy skin — a lot of pollen this week? Allergies in Philly? Help lol. by fishy1738
Try lotion before you spend money on the meds. If you're like me that will take care of it.
typeytypetype t1_je9rgl2 wrote
I have the itch too - it's the humidity/dew point (for me, anyway). They've both been really low the last couple days so my skin gets super dry and itchy if everything isn't properly lotioned.
typeytypetype t1_je6tlwf wrote
Reply to comment by CruddierMouse in OBGYN by CruddierMouse
At a fucking women's wellness clinic at that
typeytypetype t1_je6skkx wrote
Reply to comment by CruddierMouse in OBGYN by CruddierMouse
Huh that's surprising...and stupid that they don't.
typeytypetype t1_je6hnn6 wrote
Reply to OBGYN by CruddierMouse
I would bet that rittenhouse women's wellness does, but you'd have to double check.
typeytypetype t1_jdwcqti wrote
Reply to I plan on drinking nothing but tap water for the week. What kind of superpowers can I expect? by randompittuser
Everything you touch will turn into cheese steaks. King meatas.
typeytypetype t1_jdiqzgl wrote
Reply to Seen my fair share of street and window cats. Even have my own stoop cat. Never seen a hybrid like this before. by gnartato
That's a Guard Cat if I've ever seen one. Do not fuck with him.
typeytypetype t1_jd4ibqq wrote
typeytypetype t1_jbfhb73 wrote
Reply to Affordable Party Venues in the city by shwonka
Pep Bowl if it's still open - byo food and drink
typeytypetype t1_j8wy4x7 wrote
Breakfast at The Dutch to an afternoon Phillies game, wander toward center city, stopping for a drink and bite where ever looks good, wander some more, dinner at (I honestly can't decide...TBD), and finish the night with friends at 12 Steps down.
typeytypetype t1_j8ox6lp wrote
Reply to comment by RoverTheMonster in You have one day to change something about your neighborhood. You get whatever resources you need, but only 24 hours to complete your project. What do you try to tackle? by RoverTheMonster
I see it every now and then, I don't know why it isn't ubiquitous, it's such an easy fix. Especially when people park past the curb corners making an exit even more dangerous.
typeytypetype t1_j8o2tkc wrote
Reply to comment by RufusLaButte in You have one day to change something about your neighborhood. You get whatever resources you need, but only 24 hours to complete your project. What do you try to tackle? by RoverTheMonster
Take the closure down to Wharton and then extend it up 9th to Christian street.
typeytypetype t1_j8nch0q wrote
Reply to comment by SnapCrackleMom in You have one day to change something about your neighborhood. You get whatever resources you need, but only 24 hours to complete your project. What do you try to tackle? by RoverTheMonster
Oh, I was thinking external alterations, but this is probably the best answer. I'd also add the social workers and behavioral therapists (or other people with similar skill sets) to the local police force, and increase the salaries of our teachers by, like, a lot.
typeytypetype t1_j8nb9zb wrote
Reply to You have one day to change something about your neighborhood. You get whatever resources you need, but only 24 hours to complete your project. What do you try to tackle? by RoverTheMonster
Start by picking up all of the trash and power washing EVERYTHING, install self compacting public trash cans, plant sidewalk friendly trees everywhere possible, install mirrors to aid pulling out of the small side streets, somehow implement a one car per household standard, there aren't many empty lots but turn the few that exist into pocket parks, add more murals, allow streeteries again.
Probably ambitious for 24 hours but a girl can dream...
typeytypetype t1_j7upbiv wrote
Reply to comment by ericds1214 in Seen any Eagles gear street vendors in Center City anywhere? by Snakealicious
Honestly couldn't say, I've just walked by, haven't purchased anything. Although I assume they need to beat the prices at regular stores so I be surprised if they're getting much more than $15 for a T and $30-40 for a hoody. Either way you should definitely try to haggle with them.
typeytypetype t1_j7pr1np wrote
Not center city, but there's a big stand outside of Pat's and Geno's.
typeytypetype t1_j6ncqew wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Birthday Party ideas in Philly for mid twenties by MojoFan32
It's such a gem. Deeply disappointing that it's most likely going away.
typeytypetype t1_j6n1rwg wrote
Reply to comment by jimsinspace in Birthday Party ideas in Philly for mid twenties by MojoFan32
Yeah, or in the process anyway. Gotta get in there while (if) you can.
typeytypetype t1_j6k3msw wrote
Pep Bowl - a BYOB (and food) bowling alley.
typeytypetype t1_j571ffe wrote
Whole foods has a decent flower selection for a kind of generic, not specifically floral shop.
typeytypetype t1_j52dtsg wrote
Reply to comment by avo_cado in It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year—for Goats (No Kidding) by wsj
I know I was being snarky, but I'm actually surprised. I feel like this gets posted a number of times every December. But glad someone is benefiting from it.
typeytypetype t1_jeg9zir wrote
Reply to Ice cream truck by krizzqy
I did not miss it. The jingle can go fuck itself.